Since Search Beyond Lies, is inspired by a real-life tragedy involving real people, key characters are inspired by these same people. In this fact or fiction article, we’ll explore what is fact and what is fiction regarding the character names. First, we’ll look at a few rules of thumb regarding choosing character names.
Rules of Thumb
The way writers choose character names differs among writers, but there are a few rules of thumb for the reader’s benefit.
1.You never want to confuse the reader by choosing names with the same first letter or the reader will have difficulty keeping the characters straight.
2. The names should fit within the era and culture. For example, if you write historical romance, like Amanda Cabot, you won’t want to pick a new generation contemporary name like Aurora.
Before we uncover the selection process for the character names in Search Beyond Lies, a brief look at its inspiration is in order.
The Tragedy
On July 5, 2018, Brian Perri was reported missing on Mount Meeker, one of the most dangerous mountains in Rocky Mountain National Park, after a selfie revealed his last known location as the summit.
Inspired by my son’s role in the search that was covered by news media far and wide, I penned Search Beyond Lies, Book One in the Search & Recovery International Series (SRI). Though a work of fiction, the book’s inspiration lies in the rare type of friendship my son, J.C. Fischer, and Brian’s former army buddy, Kimo McEwen, had with Brian, where they put their lives on hold and jeopardized their safety and well-being to search for him.
Key Character Names
As the back story revealed, I chose the key character names based on the initials of the real people that inspired them with one exception.
J.C. Fischer inspired the hero, James Frankel.
Brian Perri inspired Brett Powers.
Kimo McEwen inspired the COO of SRI’s Kale McLaren.
The exception was Charlie Sommer whose inspiration was Priscilla Jane Kurtz Williams. To avoid confusing my readers, I had to come up with a name that didn’t violate the first key rule. After brainstorming with my writers’ group, Charlie Sommer was chosen because of the character’s military background and the letter “C” was not used for any other character.
Basically, the initials are fact, while the actual name is fiction.
My fellow readers, what rules of thumb do you believe should be added? Writers, how do you choose your character names?
© 2023 Karen VDH Fischer
A suspense thriller with a dash of romance, Search Beyond Lies tells the story
of the search for a missing scientist, a top-secret project, and a ticking clock. Desperate to find his friend and mentor, James Frankel knows that only former Army Ranger, Charlie Sommer can help him. But how can he trust a woman who’s keeping secrets?
As a former Army Ranger, Charlie Sommers garnered the reputation of having the highest search and rescue success rate, but she’s plagued by the one she left behind. Now she’s on the verge of an exciting new beginning as a part of Search & Recovery International where her secrets are safe. There’s only one problem: the new assignment will take her back to Colorado and the loss that still haunts her.
The clock is ticking down. With their lives–and their hearts–at risk, Charlie and James join forces in an attempt to save the scientist and the world from catastrophe while finding the truth beyond lies in this action-packed thriller. It is available at
Interesting how we name our characters. In your case, Karen, your foundation was the actual names of people. I have a “Name Baby” book that has names from around the world and their meaning. So I name characters by their meaning. For instance, Stella means star. So if I have a gleaming bright female character, I may call her Stella. Of course it has to fit the criteria of creating character names that you mentioned. Cheers
Marilyn, I like the way you name characters by their meaning. In the second of the SRI series, After the Verdict which should be released later this year, I chose the heroine’s name based on its meaning.
Karen, as you noted, one of my challenges when choosing my characters’ names is ensuring that they don’t sound too modern. And, Marilyn, like you, I use a baby name book when I’m searching for the perfect — or as close to perfect as I can make it — name.
Amanda, a baby name book, whether paper or electronic, is a must have. Your characters seem to always fit in with the era in which you write.