When you’re the wedding planner, stress is often an uninvited guest, especially when the wedding planner is a book worm and uncomfortable in her new role. It is common knowledge that stress always accompanies a role that is outside your comfort zone and it is critical to learn how to help alleviate it for a healthier you. There are quite a few methods to help reduce stress, but since this is the start of a new year with the desire to shed those unwanted holiday pounds, the first method we’ll discuss is exercise.

fitness, exercise, aerobic exercise, weights, body beautiful, weight control, weight loss
Team Diane Workout
Getting Fit – Take It Up a Notch

In a previous post, I mentioned that a friend and physical therapist, Diane Foley together with her long time workout buddy, Karen, took me on as their project. With the upcoming wedding and the related stress, they took it up a notch to make me “one hot mama” for the wedding. My workout routine was changed out every two to three months, and I shared one of those routines in previous posts as well as stretches to help avoid the potential pain from sitting. To give you a one-stop shop to for the stretches and entire workout, I provided the links below for your convenience.

The workout routine takes two paths — one for the advanced and the other for the newbie. A detailed description of each exercise is provided along with photos. Remember it is very important to always check with your physician before making any changes to your healthcare regime. And, if anything hurts, STOP immediately!

Body Beautiful – Weight Control & Exercise
health and wellness, weight control, energy balance, take charge, motivation, exercise, portion control, maintenance
It’s All about Health and Wellness — 5 lb Human Fat Model

At the start of the summer, I provided a single source with links to my earlier articles geared toward helping you achieve your weight control and exercise goals. That’s still a great place to start!

Fitness: Moving to the Next Level

My personal journey begins with Diane and Karen.

fitness, exercise, aerobic exercise, weights, body beautiful
Fitness: Moving to the Next Level — Making a Difference
Getting Fit: Taking It Up A Notch!

Rules of the workout are presented as well as the first set of stations: the warm up.

Getting Fit: Taking It Up A Notch! Part 2
Fitness, workout, weights, weight control, body, weight loss, zucchini, routine, exercise, weight lifting, cardio
Reverse Flies on Ball for the Newbie & Advanced

Check out the next station:

  • Flies On Ball
  • Reverse Flies On Ball
Getting Fit: Taking It Up A Notch – Part 3
exercise, workout, weight lifting, strength building exercises
Tricep Extensions
Taking It Up A Notch Part 3

Keep moving with:

  • Side Step On 8 Inch Step
  • Tricep Extension
  • Lunge with Bicep Curl
Getting Fit: Taking It Up A Notch – Part 4
getting fit, weight control, bicep curls, lunges, tricep extensions, strength training, weight lifting, fitness, exercising, burly, abdominal exercises, Saturday Night Fever, plank walk
Doing More than Staying Alive!

Remember, there are two paths — one for the more advanced and the other for the newbie!

  • Plank Walk and Straddle Jump
  • Burpy
  • Side Lunge with Diagonal Reach (Saturday Night Fever Move)
Getting Fit: Taking It Up A Notch – Part 5
getting fit, weight control, bicep curls, lunges, tricep extensions, strength training, weight lifting, fitness, exercising, burly, abdominal exercises, Saturday Night Fever, plank walk, oblique sit-ups
Oblique Sit-Ups
Getting Fit

The last station before you begin your new set:

  • Oblique Sit-Ups
  • Hamstring Curl On the Ball
  • Bridge
  • Bicycle Abdominal Crunch



Did this exercise routine help alleviate my stress? Absolutely! Was I “one hot mama” for the wedding? You be the judge — beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What’s important was that I felt great, danced the night away, and enjoyed every moment! Stay tuned for the next article, The Wedding Planner — The Date.

Health, exercise, stress, wedding, wedding planner, workout, weights, warmups, warm-ups, stretches, burpy, advanced, newbie, rules of the workout, fitness, getting fit, curls, weights, sit-ups, crunches, stress reliever
The Wedding Planner – Beauty Is In the Eye of the Beholder

What exercises alleviates your stress?

(c) 2018, Karen Van Den Heuvel


Getting fit… . Are you ready to take it up a notch? In my last article, Fitness — Moving to the Next Level, I shared a little bit about my background and these wonderful ladies who took me on as their project (yes, in this case, instead of completing the project, I am the project). With Physical Therapist, Diane Foley, I will share two paths — one for the newbie (that’s me), and the other for the more advanced. As a reminder, please talk to your physician before making any changes to your regular health care routine. If anything you do hurts, please STOP immediately! The purpose of this series is to move our fitness to the next level and improve our health, not detract from it.

physical therapist, Diane Foley
Diane Foley, Physical Therapist
Rules of the workout:
  • Frequency: 2-3 times a week. Take 2 days off between workouts to give your muscles time to recover.
  • Time: one minute on each station (unless otherwise noted)
  • Intensity: Pick a weight that you can lift for the entire minute and is moderately difficult on the last repetition. The weight may be very light for some of the exercises. This is okay!
First Set of Stations:
fitness, exercise, aerobic exercise, weights, body beautiful, weight control, weight loss
Getting Fit – Karen on the Elliptical
  1. Ride a stationary bike or elliptical (for advanced and newbies). If you do not have access to either, march in place at a quick pace making sure you bring your legs up high enough to hit your hands as you hold your arms at the elbow straight out at a 90 degree angle.
fitness, exercise, aerobic exercise, weights, body beautiful, weight control, weight loss
Getting Fit: Diane – Wall Squat with Overhead Lift

2. Wall Squat:

  • Newbie: Using a large exercise ball, place the ball between your lower back and the wall while move your feet comfortably away from the wall. Slide into a squat moving up and down, keeping the knees behind the toes. Hold each squat for 5 seconds and return to beginning position.
  • Advanced: Do the Wall Squat as noted above, however, add weights and lift overhead on the way up.
    fitness, exercise, aerobic exercise, weights, body beautiful, weight control, weight loss
    Getting Fit: Karen – Wall Squat with Overhead Lift

    The first exercise is more like a warm up to get things going. What is your favorite exercise to get that heart rate up?

Stay tuned for next week’s article with the second set. Because this series makes up an entire workout routine, these articles will be published weekly rather than biweekly.