The Writing Life and Choices of an Otherworldly Writer — Roulf Burrell

Roulf Burrell

In this last part of Jane Choate’s interview with Roulf Burrell, we will get a glimpse into the writing life of an amazing otherworldly writer and the reasons behind certain choices.

What is your writing schedule like?

dining, Highlands, North Carolina, Recipe
Coffee Shops

Ouch! It’s getting personal. I write in spurts and have a hard time beginning. It helps to go to libraries or coffee shops where I have nothing else to do. I also write at my church, as my wife works in the children’s ministry.

Sometimes, new ideas pop into my head, and as I jot them down, I slip into expanding them rather than finishing my prior work. Or some bad news regarding the beginner’s chances in the publishing industry claws its way out of this month’s media “click-bait” graveyard, and I’m left wondering, “Why bother? I have the same chance of success as having lightning strike me.” But like a dry cleaner pulling an all-nighter, I press on.

What do you do for promotion?

I have a website— WordPress (my website management system) has been an educational challenge technically and fun artistically, though I find it awkward placing myself out there as an interesting topic.

Websites and media platforms are all part of the marketing arm for authors today. Marketing and science fiction blend well, as both relate an aggressive form of a gravity well commonly known as a black hole.

What compels you to write?

After trying my hand at many things, I finally met my match – in a good way. I get the same kick out of painting and constructing with words I imagine Michelangelo got out of the hammer, a chisel and a rock.


What can you share regarding self publishing?

One of the first decisions any author faces today is whether to try and publish with a traditional publisher, or self-publish. And the pros and cons to each could fill another article. But for me, the issue boiled down to rejection and control.

Dr. Seuss’s first book was rejected 27 times. He became so disillusioned he had decided to take his manuscript home and burn it, when he ran into an old school acquaintance – a children’s book editor. I don’t believe I would ever survive such a process, so I’ll take another alternative, if offered.

Thyme for Writers, books, journey, writer, author, novel

Control is my other issue. With self-publishing, I control all the factors. But that means I’m responsible for any and all failures, as well as successes. I must edit for internal consistency. Edit again for grammar. Find my own beta-readers. I have to design a cover, or pay for an artist to do it. A table of contents must be made, chapters separated, the text formatted and converted, images added. 

I’m sure you have enjoyed this journey with author, Roulf Burrell, as much as I have. If you’re a writer, what compels you to write? If your goal is publication, which avenue would you choose to take and why?