Humbly Grateful Or Grumbly Hateful? with Jane Choate

Welcome Jane Choate to Thyme for Writers! Jane is such an inspiration to so many of us… . Thank you for sharing!

“Are you humbly grateful or grumbly hateful?”  (from a Hallmark movie)

High Risk Investigation, Jane Choate, humbly grateful, grumpy hateful, grateful, responsibility, words, praise Him, give thanks to Him, talents, our best, kindness, sticks and stones
The Tight Sweater

When Karen asked me to write a post for her excellent “Thyme for Writers,” I didn’t know what I could write about.  I tried on several ideas, but none really fit.  They chafed at me, like a too-tight sweater.  And then I heard the above piece of dialogue from a movie, and I knew I had my subject.

We are all charged with being grateful to the Lord, but I think writers bear a special responsibility to use our words to praise Him,  to give thanks to Him.  It is the Savior who has given us our talents, and it is to Him we owe our best.  What does  it mean to give “our best?”  Words have power.  When we use ours to show our gratitude to the Lord, we give our best.  When we use ours to lift another up, we give our best.

High Risk Investigation, Jane Choate, humbly grateful, grumpy hateful, grateful, responsibility, words, praise Him, give thanks to Him, talents, our best, kindness, sticks and stones
Humbly Grateful

What about the “grumbly hateful” part of the above?  Most of us have probably known an individual who uses words as weapons, as a means to put others down, to demean and to humiliate.  Words have power for the grumbly hateful  as well as the humbly grateful.  Those of you of a certain age may remember a playground chant:  “Sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  Even as a child, I recognized the falseness of this, for I knew that words hurt.  I knew it from personal experience.  My heart knew it from my torment when I was bullied.

High Risk Investigation, Jane Choate, humbly grateful, grumpy hateful, grateful, responsibility, words, praise Him, give thanks to Him, talents, our best, kindness, sticks and stones

I have not always been kind with my words; I have been among the grumbly hateful, and sometimes I still am.  I have used words as sticks and stones.  Today I resolve to do better, though I know I will slip at times.

Humbly grateful or grumbly hateful?  The choice is yours.

Jane McBride Choate is a proud mother and grandmother as well as being staff to a cat who believes she is of royal descent. Writing is Jane's dream job, an avocation as well as a vocation. Sharing her belief in God and in the power of love is the perfect reminder her that the best things in life are not things.

Jane McBride Choate is a proud mother and grandmother as well as being staff to a cat who believes she is of royal descent. Writing is Jane’s dream job, an avocation as well as a vocation. Sharing her belief in God and in the power of love is the perfect reminder for her that the best things in life are not things.



(C) 2018 Jane Choate

High Risk Investigation, Jane Choate, humbly grateful, grumpy hateful, grateful, responsibility, words, praise Him, give thanks to Him, talents, our best, kindness, sticks and stones
High-Risk Investigation by Jane Choate

What Jane didn’t mention in her biography is that she is an amazing author and prolific writer with a multitude of published books and short stories. Her latest is High-Risk Investigation, a romantic suspense I could not put down. It’s a must read!