Publish Don’t Perish: Tip # 7 — Don’t Forget the Chocolate

Since February is the month for love and heart health, this is the perfect time to share Tip#7 — Don’t Forget the Chocolate! Although any kind of chocolate can show love, only the right type of chocolate is healthy for our hearts and mind.

What’s the Right Type of Chocolate

Theobroma cacao is the botanical name for chocolate and it means “food of the gods.” As with most food items in today’s society, chocolate is processed every which way. Processed chocolate is high in sugar and fat with very little nutritional value. The right type of chocolate is dark chocolate with a high concentration of cacao (at least 70%).

Chocolate: Are You a Cacao or Cocoa Writer by Kathryn Ross

Kathryn Ross wrote a wonderful article, Chocolate: Are You a Cacao or Cocoa Writer? This article delves deeper into the differences between chocolate and cacao, and in her creative and talented manner, Kathryn applies it to your writing.

Potential Health Benefit

If you combine the right kind of chocolate with a healthy lifestyle, research shows that potential health benefits include:

  • improved blood pressure;
  • enhanced heart health;
  • decreased LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol); and
  • increased blood flow to your brain.
Valentine's Day, American Heart Month, Heart Health,Dark Chocolate, healthy lifestyle, February, love, candy, flowers, cards
Dark Chocolate – Good for Your Heart and Mind

Studies also show that dark chocolate may reduce the risk of diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity and blood sugar levels. Diabetes is a growing problem and a known risk factor for heart disease, with an even higher risk for women. Keep in mind, a healthy lifestyle is critical. For more information, check out my article, Dark Chocolate & Love’s Heart Healthy Month.

Karen Van Den Heuvel Fischer

Your writing and life can benefit from the “food of the gods” so long as you combine it with a healthy lifestyle. Tip #3 — TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF will provide you with guidelines to make that a reality. Remember, your best writing, your best work, your best time happens when you’re at your best self.

How are you taking care of yourself?

Heart Health Requires Magnesium

Heart health requires magnesium. Not only is magnesium a major mineral required for heart function, it is also required for nerve function and acts as an aid in a significant number of enzyme reactions. This article will provide a closer look at magnesium, its sources and needs.

Magnesium: Location & Use

magnesium, trace minerals, microminerals, enzyme reactions, bones, insulin, energy, muscle pain, weakness, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, heart health, blood pressure, heart, intracellular fluids, processed food, unprocessed food, minerals, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, milk, meats, and dried beans, diabetes, minerals
Heart Health Requires Magnesium

Bone is the repository for sixty percent of the body’s magnesium stores. The remainder circulates in the blood stream and works inside cells. Magnesium is used in more than 300 enzymes and within cells. Quite a few energy-yielding compounds require magnesium in order to function properly. The hormone insulin also requires magnesium. (5) (7) (8)

Magnesium Deficiency:

A magnesium deficiency creates an irregular heartbeat in humans. This may be accompanied by:

  • muscle pain,
  • weakness,
  • seizures, and
  • disorientation.

blood pressure, healthy heart, heart disease, heart beat, pulse, systolic, diastolic, high blood pressure, silent killer, hypertension
Blood Pressure: What’s Healthy – What’s Not Hypertension: The Silent Killer

The risk of cardiovascular disease is decreased by a sufficient intake of magnesium. This is a result of its ability to decrease blood pressure through dilating arteries and hindering heart rhythm abnormalities. Magnesium intake should be closely monitored with people who have cardiovascular disease, especially since they are often on diuretics that decrease magnesium levels. It is important to remember because our bodies readily store magnesium — a deficiency in this mineral develops slowly. (5) (7) (8)

Both hypertension and diabetes have been linked with decreased magnesium levels in the blood. It is unclear however, what the cause is for lower magnesium levels in diabetic or hypertensive people. Currently research is ongoing to determine magnesium’s role in the prevention and/or treatment of these diseases. (5) (7) (8)

Magnesium Needs:

magnesium, trace minerals, microminerals, enzyme reactions, bones, insulin, energy, muscle pain, weakness, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, heart health, blood pressure, heart, intracellular fluids, processed food, unprocessed food, minerals, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, milk, meats, and dried beans, diabetes, minerals
Heart Health & Magnesium

The RDA for magnesium in adult women is about 310 milligrams per day and in men about 400 milligrams per day. This amount is determined by the amount the body needs in order to offset the losses incurred daily. On food and supplement labels, the Daily Value for magnesium is based on 400 milligrams. The average consumed by women is approximately 220 milligrams, whereas the average consumed by men is 320 milligrams daily. Accordingly, most adults need to improve their intake of magnesium-rich foods. (1) (2) (3) (4)

Magnesium Sources:

Nutrient Rich – Magnesium Plus

Refined grain products, common in most American diets is a very poor source of magnesium and magnesium supplements are not well-absorbed. Although animal products like meat and milk provide some magnesium, plant products are richer sources of magnesium. Some of these plant products include potatoes, squash, seeds, nuts, beans, and whole grains. (1) (2) (3) (4)

What is your favorite magnesium rich food? Do you have a recipe to share?

