Publish Don’t Perish Tip #14 — OPEN THE DOOR TO YOUR POSSIBILITIES IN 2021!

As we thankfully close the door on 2020, in Publish Don’t Perish Tip #14, we open the door to your exciting possibilities in 2021. Will those possibilities take us back to this world as we knew it prior to COVID – 19? No. The world will probably never be exactly how we knew it — we’ll have a new “normal,” but the possibilities will still abound in 2021 and beyond! As writers, let’s take a look at a few of those possibilities.

Possibilities Abound!
Take Your Passion to the Next Level

We write because it is our passion. It’s not easy — it takes courage. It’s a lonely road we often question. As writers, we want to make a difference in the lives of others. What we write can change a life, save a life, provide an escape from the difficulties of life … .

Persevere in your dream, your passion, and take it to the next level!

Persevere in your dreams, your passions, and take it to the next level!

Take Your Business to the Next Level

Writing is a business. As in any business, you need to gather your resources so that you have access to all the tools of the trade. Take it to the next level!

Have you set up a limited liability company or corporation? If you have, are you truly treating it as a separate entity so that there are no blurred lines from you personally? This is critical to avoid “piercing the corporate veil,” thereby increasing your exposure to personal liability.

If you have not set up a separate company and treat your writing business as a sole proprietorship, you may want to talk to your tax consultant to explore the tax benefits available with a limited liability company or corporation.

wedding, wedding planner, books, Hidden Bloodlines, wedding budget
Karen VDH Fischer, MS, RD, JD

If you independently publish your work, you may want to consider setting up a company to limit your personal liability regardless. If you live in Colorado or Florida, I can help you, since I am licensed in both states and understand the passion of a writer and what’s needed to protect a writer’s interests. Feel free to reach out to me at My legal website, will be launched shortly. At this site, you will be able to find helpful articles for educational purposes among other things.

Get to the End
Amanda Cabot

Do what it takes to finish your book — get to the end. Amanda Cabot wrote an incredible series with the acronym APODS that will help you do just that. In Tip #5, Apply APODS to Your Life, I provide a brief summary of the articles in Amanda’s series along with a link to each so you can delve deeper. I can’t recommend this series enough for every aspect of your life!

I am excited about the possibilities that 2021 will bring! What possibilities do you see?

(c) 2021 Karen Van Den Heuvel Fischer

Publish Don’t Perish – Tip #13: Gather Your Resources

As writers, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the process of getting that story from your head to “paper.” However, in the publishing environment we find ourselves in today, it’s important to gather your resources. Authors need to know how to edit their work, set up a business, get that book published (traditionally or independently), and market their book, among other things.

The purpose of this article is to present you with a resource page that will provide you with additional tools to make your journey easier. You’ll find experienced authors and professionals who can coach you, assist you with your writing, editing, technology, and business as well as marketing tips.

The Author Toolbox — Candee Fick

writers, authors, resources, toolbox, encouragement, fun, romantic suspense, journey, writer’s journey, adventure, tips, direction, research, joy, funny, inspiration, thyme, time, Focus on Love
Author Candee Fick

Author Candee Fick accumulated over 100 of her favorite tools for authors and shared them in The Author Toolbox. She also provides mentoring, hands-on advice, and personal coaching in person for those in the northern Colorado area, or via Skype, or phone for those further away. Candee is also the acquisitions and content editor for a Christian press.

Watch your grammar – Amanda Cabot

Amanda Cabot

Since the mechanics of writing is critical, it’s essential to watch your grammar. Amanda Cabot’s R & R: Raves and Rants provides you with that essential tool that will help you avoid those inevitable mistakes. In my article, Publish Don’t Perish – Tip #12: Watch Your Grammar, I provide a brief description and link to each of Amanda’s invaluable articles which can be found on L.A. Sartor’s blog, An Indie Adventure — another invaluable resource.

Pageant Wagon Publishing — Kathryn Ross

clove, lemon oil, cinnamon, garden, harvestwriters, spice, fall recipes, editors, healing, manuscript
Kathryn Ross

If you’re interested in a Christian writing mentor or an independent publisher who can help you develop your book idea into a print publication, you may want to reach out to Kathryn Ross, Author, Book Shepherd, Independent Publisher, Pageant Wagon Publishing, 856-205-9334.

Time management & the multifaceted solution to getting to the end -apods

Amanda Cabot’s APODS Series is an incredible must read for not only authors, but EVERYONE. In Publish Don’t Perish – Tip #5: Apply APODS to Your Life, hI provide a one stop post that provides a link with a summary of each of Amanda’s articles for your convenience. You won’t want to miss it.

legal advice for your business

Karen Van Den Heuvel Fischer

If you live in Colorado or Florida and need assistance with your business, intellectual property concerns, or estate planning, see what Karen VDH Fischer LLC has to offer or email me at

If you have any recommendations for our fellow writers, please feel free to share!

(c) 2020 Karen Van Den Heuvel Fischer

Publish Don’t Perish: Tip #6 – Writing is Work

Writing is work. As writers, we understand what that means, however, our friends and family may not. This is especially true when you work at your craft from your home.

A number of writer friends have often shared their frustration with the constant interruptions they encounter from people they know. I confess to experiencing the same frustration as a writer. However, unlike the writers I know, I found myself in the perfect position for an experiment. With a Master of Science degree, I am quite familiar with experiments.

I joined a law firm as one of their attorneys in the areas of estate planning, business, and real estate more than a year ago. I confess to enjoying the practice of law more than I ever have in my entire career (I won’t reveal how many years that is, but suffice it to say it’s more than 20). I work with an incredible, brilliant group of attorneys and support staff. Another plus, is that although our main office is fully staffed (with 3 satellite offices), unless I am meeting with a client, I work from my home office — where the experiment begins.

I don’t write full time, but, I never did. I have practiced law since I graduated law school, however, when I moved to Colorado, I practiced more part time until I started with this firm. With the exception of my clients, my family and friends saw me as a writer, and interruptions were a constant problem. Once I joined this firm, while I worked out of the same home office, the interruptions ceased.

writing, publishing, legal iissues,
Writers Beware of the Legal Pitfalls

What does that tell us? That others considered my work as a full time attorney as a “real job” while my work as a writer was not. To say that is frustrating is an understatement, however, there are things we can do.

  • Treat writing as a “real job.”
  • Go to your workplace, whether it is a separate room in your home, an area of your home, the library, a picnic table in a specific park, or Starbucks.
  • Let your family and friends know your work schedule.
  • During your writing (work) hours, shut off your phone, do not answer your door, and do not check your email.
Karen Van Den Heuvel Fischer

Once they realize you are not available during work hours, they will understand that you are working. Fortunately, I am an early bird and my writing time takes place before most people rise. My “workday” for writing begins around 4:30 a.m. with my workday as a lawyer around 8. For me, a perfect solution.

What is your perfect solution?

(c) 2020 Karen Van Den Heuvel Fischer


This incredible APODS Series, written by Amanda Cabot is a must read for not only writers, but EVERYONE and I recommend you apply APODS to your life. I am a writer and a practicing attorney, and I found it extremely useful in mine. This post will take you through a summary of each article and a link where you can find more. Even if you’ve been following along, I highly recommend reviewing this Series again. Thank you Amanda for sharing your invaluable expertise!


The End

This article is the first in the series on time management and getting to the end. Although time management is only one part in the multifaceted solution to getting to the end, it’s an introduction to a system that goes by the acronym APODS — Analysis, Priorities, Organization, Discipline and Support. Get a quick peak at each of these five areas.


The analysis phase is the focus of this article. Every author should answer these 3 tough questions:

  • Why do you write?
  • Why is this the book of your dreams?
  • What is keeping you from finishing the book?

Explore what Amanda offers and think about why writing and this book in particular are important to you.

APODS — Analysis: The Three Ps

The analysis phase of APODS includes three Ps:

  • Personality Type
  • Productive Times
  • Present Use of Time

This article takes a closer look at the first — personality type.

APODS – Analysis: The Three Ps, Part Two

Conclude the analysis phase by looking at time. Before you can manage time, you need to understand how you are using it.

Amanda Cabot, time, writing, books, publishing
Time Management

APODS — Priorities: Getting Started

To address priorities, you need to first establish those priorities, understand the opportunity costs of those priorities, and accept the fact that we cannot do everything.

Learn how to make writing your #1 priority.

APODS — Priorities: The Four Ps (Part One)

The Four Ps include: Purpose, Picture, Plan, and Part.

Take an in depth look at the first, purpose.

APODS — Priorities: The Four Ps (Part Two — SMART Goals)

SMART is an acronym to obtain meaningful goals:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-Bound.
SMART goals, William Bridges, specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound, Amanda Cabot, time management, APODS
APODS – Priorities: The Four Ps (Part Two – SMART Goals)

Explore what it means, why they are important, and how they serve as guideposts. See how to reach for success!

APODS — Priorities: The Four Ps (Part Three — Plan and Part)

Create the Plan and organize it into a logical sequence. It can be done if you break everything down into small tasks. Check out these tips!

APODS — Priorities: The Opportunity Cost

Are you familiar with opportunity cost? Explore the opportunity cost of writing. Remember, “Time to write is not free.”

Amanda Cabot, APODS, time management, calendar, analysis, productive, timer, personality type, use of time, getting to the end, goal, Cimarron Creek Trilogy, priorities, successful people

APODS — Organization: Advice from the Experts

This article focuses on ideas gleamed from Marilyn Paul’s book, It’s Hard to Make a Difference When You Can’t Find Your Keys. Amanda discusses 4 of her points she found particularly useful.

APODS — Organization: Part Two

The discussion of Organization is wrapped up with advice from two experts.

APODS — Discipline

Eight particularly useful suggestions are provided to help you get to “The End.”

APODS — Support

Support is the final step in the APODS Series. You will not want to miss this article!

This Series has been an invaluable resource for so many, especially me. What did you find most helpful?

Amanda Cabot

Amanda Cabot is no stranger to getting to “The End.” She juggled a sixty-hour a week job with nonnegotiable deadlines and building a house long-distance at the same time that she wrote two books a year. Whether or not she kept her sanity during that time is debatable. Amanda is the best-selling author of over thirty novels, eight novellas, four non-fiction books, and what she describes as enough technical articles to cure insomnia in a medium-sized city.

Out of the Embers by Amanda Cabot

Out of the Embers, the first of the Mesquite Springs trilogy, has an official release date of March 3, but it’s currently available for preorder at all the major online retailers. If you prefer brick and mortar stores, your local bookseller should be able to order a copy for you.

You can find Amanda

APODS – Support by Amanda Cabot

At last! We’ve reached the final step of APODS: Support. Some of that support is external, but you may be surprised to learn that a large part is internal.

Although writing is by its very nature a solitary profession, there are times when we need help if we’re going to reach “The End.” That’s why it’s important – I’d go so far as to say essential – to have external support. Typically, that support comes in two forms: personal and professional.


Personal – These are your cheerleaders, the people who encourage you on bad days, who celebrate your successes, who are there whenever you need the reminder that you’re a real writer. They may not be writers – in fact, most often they are not – but they’re the ones you can count on to cheer you when writing isn’t going well.

Professional – I’m a firm believer that every serious writer should be a member of a group of professional writers. Ideally, the organization has in-person meetings that you can attend, but if that’s not possible, find one with an active email loop.

Your professional support group is more than a group of cheerleaders, although they should cheer your successes. What they provide that the personal support group cannot is writing-related advice. They’re the ones who’ll brainstorm with you when you hit a mental wall. They’ll read a passage and tell you what works and what doesn’t. They’ll buoy you when you face rejection, suggesting other agents or publishers. They’re the proverbial shoulders to cry on, and they’re invaluable.

But, as valuable as external support is, it’s only one part of the picture. You, the author, need to support yourself. After all, no one else is going to write your book. Although there are many times when you’ll need internal support, we’re going to discuss the two most common.

The Muse is MIA

It happens. You’re excited about the book, but then the wellspring of ideas dries up. Or, as a fellow author says, there’s nothing in the well but kitty litter. Not good. So, what do you do?

wedding, wedding planner, books, Hidden Bloodlines, wedding budget, Stanley Hotel, Christmas, Christmas wedding, budget, checklist, timeline, organization, organization tips, library, military discount, veterans, savings, cost savings, Our Lady of the Mountains, Estes Park, Colorado
  • Take time out. Step away from the computer, leave your office or writing space, and do something totally different. Go for a walk; read a book; watch a favorite movie. Your goal here is to let your subconscious work while the rest of you plays.
  • Talk to the animals. This is the time to find a confidante who won’t talk back to you, who won’t offer suggestions. While you’re grooming your dog or petting your cat, explain the problem. Tell it what’s happening in the book and what isn’t happening. Note: you need to be talking aloud, not simply thinking. There’s probably some scientific explanation of why verbalizing a problem helps solve it; all I know is that it’s an effective technique. What do you do if you’re like me and don’t have a pet? Talk to an inanimate object. The key here is to have a non-judgmental audience that can’t walk away.
journey, inspiration, writer, author, published, career, jewelry, retired, teacher, novel, publishing, indie, contests, mistakes, mailing list, gifts, Plantation of White Treasure, Prince of Granola, Be Mine this Christmas Night, Viking Gold, Dare to Believe, Forever Yours this New Year’s Night, Believe in Me this Christmas Morn
Fur Baby

You’ve Received a Rejection

Again, this happens. I won’t sugarcoat it. Rejection hurts, and if you receive enough rejections, you may consider abandoning the whole idea of writing. Don’t do that.

I’ve been known to say there’s no problem so big that chocolate can’t fix it. That is admittedly an exaggeration, but it’s worth considering. While you’re bingeing on Godiva, I recommend the following:

  • Remember that grieving is a process. It’s only natural to grieve when you receive a rejection. After all, your story isn’t simply words stored in cyberspace. It’s part of you. Recognize that you’ll go through the same predictable stages as if you’d lost a loved one:
    • Shock
    • Anger
    • Resistance
    • Acceptance
    • Hope

Understanding the SARAH model can help you cope with your feelings and avoid damaging your future. Never, ever, ever respond to rejection when you’re still in Shock or Anger. It’s one thing to call someone in your personal support group and bemoan the sheer idiocy of the editor’s reaction to your story, quite another to vent those feelings to the editor.

  • Open your “what’s special about me” envelope. You have one of those, don’t you? If not, you need to start one right now. Every time someone compliments your writing, save the comment. It doesn’t have to be an effusive endorsement. It might be nothing more than, “That line of dialogue is terrific.” All that matters is that it’s a positive affirmation of you as a writer. Whether you keep a printed copy of the compliments or store them electronically isn’t important. What is important is to keep the affirmations readily accessible for those times when you need to be supported.

When You Reach “The End”

Eventually, if you’ve persisted, you’ll reach “The End,” and your manuscript will be complete. What’s next? I recommend the Two Cs.

  • Celebrations – Without a doubt, you should celebrate having finished your manuscript. This is the time to gather with your support groups and rejoice in the knowledge that you’ve accomplished something that’s only a dream for many others. You’ve finished a book. Wonderful, fabulous, spectacular. Time for fireworks, champagne, and another pound of Godiva.
  • Commencement – “The End” of a book should not be the end. Instead, once you’ve finished celebrating, it’s time to begin a new story. You’re a writer. You’ve proven that by reaching “The End.”

(c) 2019 Amanda Cabot

Amanda Cabot

Amanda Cabot is no stranger to getting to “The End.” She juggled a sixty-hour a week job with nonnegotiable deadlines and building a house long-distance at the same time that she wrote two books a year. Whether or not she kept her sanity during that time is debatable. Amanda is the best-selling author of over thirty novels, eight novellas, four non-fiction books, and what she describes as enough technical articles to cure insomnia in a medium-sized city.

Her most recent release is A Tender Hope, the third in the Cimarron Creek trilogy.

Amanda Cabot, Cimarron Creek Trilogy
A Tender Hope, by Amanda Cabot

You can find Amanda at:

APODS – Organization: Part Two by Amanda Cabot

We’re going to wrap up our discussion of Organization this month with advice from two experts as well as my own suggestions for how to keep yourself organized.

We’ll start with Steven Covey, whose The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a classic. When talking about organization, Covey has one simple suggestion:

Substitute weekly organization for daily planning.

This may sound counterintuitive. After all, don’t we need to know what we’re doing each day? Yes, of course, but Covey’s advice allows life to happen. By establishing goals for what you want to accomplish each week, you’re setting yourself up for success, not failure. Why risk the frustration of telling yourself that you absolutely, positively have to finish Task A on Monday and Task B on Tuesday when it’s possible that one of those will take longer than you expected or that what was supposed to be a half-hour trip to the supermarket took far longer, putting you behind schedule?

APODS, Amanda Cabot, organize, succeed, writers
Weekly Organization

Organizing for the week, assuming that that organization includes the transition and unscheduled time that Marilyn Paul recommends, gives you a higher probability of actually meeting your goals.

The advice from our second expert of the month, Brian Tracy, is a corollary to Covey’s. Tracy, who’s the author of Time Power, urges you to:

Work from a prioritized task list.

This may sound like a part of our earlier discussion of priorities, but it never hurts to repeat it. Prioritizing your tasks for the day and the week helps you avoid detours and time-wasters. While it may be tempting to work on a low priority task simply because it’s easy to finish, it’s important – I’d go so far as to say critical – to tackle high priority tasks first.

Prioritized Task List

Listen to the experts. They’ve “been there, done that,” and lived to tell the rest of us what they learned.

I’m not claiming to be an expert, but here are three ways I’ve found to keep myself organized.

  1. Find your own writing space.
APODS, Amanda Cabot, organize, writer, publish

Whether it’s a separate room or a corner in the basement that you’ve delineated with duct tape on the floor, if you have a specific place to write, you’ll be more productive. It’s also important that family members respect that space and recognize that you’re at work when you’re there.

2. Prepare to write.

There are two aspects to this.

  • First, have all your raw materials ready before you begin. Remember Marilyn Paul’s “have a place for everything and everything in its place”? That’s a quintessential part of organization and a proven way to increase productivity.
  • Second, reread the last scene you wrote or remind yourself of the problem you want to resolve before commuting, exercising, or going to sleep. This allows your subconscious mind to work on it while you’re doing other things and will often result in a solution popping into your brain seemingly unbidden.

3. Don’t leave home without it.

This was the slogan for a major credit card several decades ago, but it also applies to your writing. Take your work with you, literally. Whether it’s a pad and paper or an electronic device, if you’re always prepared to write, you won’t waste time when you’re caught in a traffic jam, when you’re sitting in an airport lounge, or when your lunch date is late. Instead of being frustrated by the delays, you can be productive and work on your book while you wait.

Take your work with you.

These are all part of being organized. They may not be easy initially, but once they become habits, you’ll find that you’re more productive, and that’s an essential part of reaching “The End.”

We’ve reached the end of Organization, but before I end this post, I have one last piece of advice:

Don’t forget that writing is your number one priority.

All the organizational techniques in the world won’t help you finish your book if you don’t believe that and if your day-to-day actions don’t reflect that principle.

(C) 2019 Amanda Cabot

Amanda Cabot

Amanda Cabot is no stranger to getting to “The End.” She juggled a sixty-hour a week job with nonnegotiable deadlines and building a house long-distance at the same time that she wrote two books a year. Whether or not she kept her sanity during that time is debatable. Amanda is the best-selling author of over thirty novels, eight novellas, four non-fiction books, and what she describes as enough technical articles to cure insomnia in a medium-sized city.

Her most recent release is A Tender Hope, the third in the Cimarron Creek trilogy.

Amanda Cabot, Cimarron Creek Trilogy
A Tender Hope, by Amanda Cabot

You can find Amanda at:

APODS – Organization: Advice from the Experts by Amanda Cabot

Welcome back to APODS. Are you ready to talk about organization? I hope so, because I want to share some precepts from experts in time management and organization.

This month’s post focuses on ideas from Marilyn Paul, whose It’s Hard to Make a Difference When You Can’t Find Your Keys is one of my favorite books on the subject.

Although the entire book is worth reading, I found four of her points particularly useful.

APODS, organization, Marilyn Paul, writers, KISS principal, schedule, task
APODS – Organization
1. Have a place for everything and everything in its place

This should be self-evident, since it’s almost the definition of organization, but the simple fact is, if you can’t find a critical writing tool or even the new ream of paper you need for your printer, the time you spend looking for it is time you could have been writing. On the other hand, if you establish a place for everything you need to write and then ensure that everything is returned to that place as soon as you’ve finished using it, you’ll reduce wasted time and the frustration of having to search for something.

2. Establish your own filing/organizational system, using the KISS principle

There are two key parts to this. The first is that a filing system that works for someone else may not work for you. You need to determine what makes sense to you. After all, each of us is unique, and what seems logical for someone else may be confusing to us. Don’t be fooled into believing that just because a writer you admire uses a system means that it will be the right one for you.

The second part is the KISS principle. You’re probably familiar with it, but in case you aren’t, the acronym stands for Keep It Simple, Stupid. While I don’t particularly like the “stupid” part of it, the call for simplicity resonates with me. Why create a system that’s more complex than it needs to be? You’re setting yourself up for frustration if you do that. Save your creativity for writing itself, not filing or organizing.

These two principles have as their goal avoiding wasted time. The next two focus on minimizing frustration.

KISS Principle
3. Learn how much time each task takes, allowing for transition time

Remember back in the Analysis phase when we charted our use of time? Among other things, that taught us how long it takes to do specific things. What we didn’t factor into the equation was transition time. It’s unrealistic to expect to finish eating dinner and go directly to writing a chapter. If you set up a schedule without including transition time, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Don’t do it.

4. Schedule “unscheduled time”

Does this sound counterintuitive? After all, if we’re scheduling our time, shouldn’t we schedule all of it? Marilyn Paul says we should, but that one of the things we need to include in our daily schedule is some time without any task associated with it. Why? Life happens. Things that you didn’t expect will demand your time. If you’ve scheduled every minute, when the unexpected occurs and you’re forced to deal with it, you’ll be behind schedule.

Furthermore, no matter how carefully you schedule, there will be times when a task takes longer than you planned. If you have no free time in your schedule, once again you’ll fail to meet your goals, and that will be frustrating. You want to ensure success, not failure, so give yourself a break … literally. Schedule “unscheduled time.”

Think about Paul’s precepts. Do they make sense to you? Can/will you implement them? I hope so. I also hope you’ll come back in August when we explore two other experts’ advice on how to organize.

(C) 2019 Amanda Cabot

Amanda Cabot

Amanda Cabot is no stranger to getting to “The End.” She juggled a sixty-hour a week job with nonnegotiable deadlines and building a house long-distance at the same time that she wrote two books a year. Whether or not she kept her sanity during that time is debatable. Amanda is the best-selling author of over thirty novels, eight novellas, four non-fiction books, and what she describes as enough technical articles to cure insomnia in a medium-sized city.

Her most recent release is A Tender Hope, the third in the Cimarron Creek trilogy.

Amanda Cabot, Cimarron Creek Trilogy
A Tender Hope, by Amanda Cabot

You can find Amanda at:

APODS – Priorities: The Opportunity Cost by Amanda Cabot

This month we’re going to conclude our discussion of priorities by talking about opportunity cost. Are you familiar with the term? The basic concept is that resources, whether time, money, energy, or something else are finite and that the cost of something is not absolute. Rather than measuring dollars or minutes, opportunity cost measures what we give up when we make a choice.

Video Game or T-shirt

Consider a child whose allowance is enough to allow him to buy either the video game he wants or the T-shirt with his favorite sports star’s picture on it. If he chooses the game, he cannot buy the T-shirt. Therefore, the opportunity cost is the T-shirt. When he buys the video game, he’s making the decision that it’s more important to him than the T-shirt.

As writers, we make the same decisions each time we set (or ignore) our priorities. In our case, the precious and finite resource is time.

If you remember one thing from this post, I hope it will be the following:

Time to write is not free.

You might want to print that out and post it everywhere you posted the picture of your goal, because it’s equally important.

The End

In your quest to reach “The End,” you should ask yourself two questions.

(1) How important is writing to me?

(2) What sacrifices am I willing to make?

You can say that writing is important, but as the adage reminds us, actions speak more loudly than words. If you procrastinate, if going to a movie or (shudder) cleaning your house is what you choose to do rather than finish your chapter, you’re demonstrating that writing isn’t as important as you claim it is.

opportunity costs, priorities
Actions Speak Louder than Words

The second question is where opportunity cost becomes critical. I used the word “sacrifices” deliberately, because there will be not simply tradeoffs but true sacrifices if you make writing and reaching “The End” your highest priority. There will be times when you’ll have to turn down an invitation you’d like to accept, simply because you need that time to write. The cost of that invitation is finishing the chapter. Don’t mislead yourself by saying, “just this once won’t matter.” Each choice you make is significant.

As you accept the fact that time is finite and that you will have to make choices about how to spend your time, it’s important to decide what will not get done. I recommend the following three steps.

Review your current time use analysis. Remember how you tracked your time for at least a week and categorized how you were spending it? That analysis is an invaluable resource and a key to establishing priorities.

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Warning — There May Be Side Effects

Differentiate between urgent and important tasks. If your child has broken her arm, taking her to the doctor is urgent. Doing laundry may be important, but – unlike an urgent task – it can be delayed.

Substitute writing for the least value-added tasks. Did you discover that you spent a lot of time watching television or reading tweets and Facebook posts? While you might consider those important, are they more valuable than writing another chapter? The opportunity cost of the time you spend on them is time you didn’t spend writing.

Establishing and following priorities isn’t easy, but it’s essential if you want to reach “The End.” Each time you make a decision about how to spend your time, consider the opportunity cost. And, one final bit of advice: “No” is an acceptable response when someone asks you to do something that will interfere with your writing time.

(C) 2019 Amanda Cabot

Amanda Cabot

Amanda Cabot is no stranger to getting to “The End.” She juggled a sixty-hour a week job with nonnegotiable deadlines and building a house long-distance at the same time that she wrote two books a year. Whether or not she kept her sanity during that time is debatable. Amanda is the best-selling author of over thirty novels, eight novellas, four non-fiction books, and what she describes as enough technical articles to cure insomnia in a medium-sized city.

Her most recent release is A Tender Hope, the third in the Cimarron Creek trilogy.

Amanda Cabot, Cimarron Creek Trilogy
A Tender Hope, by Amanda Cabot

You can find Amanda at:

APODS – Priorities: Getting Started by Amanda Cabot

Are you ready to address priorities? They’re the second step in the APODS process and one of the most important, so let’s get started.

In his best-selling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, Stephen Covey advises us to “organize and execute around priorities.” While that may sound simple, many of us find it difficult. Why? In order to follow Covey’s advice we need to:

  • Establish those priorities
  • Understand the opportunity cost
  • Accept the fact that we cannot do everything.

Over the next few months, we’ll address each of those points. Today let’s talk about establishing priorities.

Brian Tracy, author of Time Power, points out that behaviors are a matter of choice. What a profound thought! If it’s truly important to us, whenever there’s a choice of how to spend our time, we can choose to write. And if we make that choice consistently over a long enough period, it will become a habit.

Amanda Cabot, APODS, time management, calendar, analysis, productive, timer, personality type, use of time, getting to the end, goal, Cimarron Creek Trilogy, priorities, successful people

But, and this is a big but, choice means change, and change is difficult. The good news is, change can be managed. The key to getting to “The End” is to make writing your #1 priority. The question is, how do you do that?

Last month I encouraged you to track your current use of time and then categorize it. Were you surprised by your analysis? What were your biggest time sinks? Which can you eliminate or at least minimize?

If you discovered that you spent a lot of time running errands every day, can you consolidate errands into a single day, freeing up time for writing on the other days?

Did you discover that your writing time was fragmented by phone calls or text messaging? If so, consider establishing office hours when you turn off your phone. Yes, I know that sounds like heresy, but each interruption costs you not only the time you spend on the interruption but also the time it takes to get back to work on your manuscript.

Social Media

Did you find that social media took more time than you thought? While I’m not suggesting you ignore your friends, the reality is that time you spend posting your status and laughing at cute cat videos is time you are not writing. Remember, behaviors are a matter of choice. We all need to choose wisely.

What we also need is to create what I call a “culture of writing.” What that means is that reminders of writing are never far away, so each time you have the opportunity to make a choice between writing and not writing, you choose writing.

cover, reminder, priorities, Amanda Cabot, APODS
Place your cover everywhere.

One way to reinforce the importance of your book is to create a cover for it. It doesn’t have to be an artistic wonder. It could be nothing more than the title and your name. (If you don’t have a title, My #1 New York Times Bestseller might motivate you.) Print out a dozen or so copies and then post them throughout your house and on anything connected to your biggest time sinks. That way, when you go to the refrigerator for a break and a pint of ice cream, you’ll see your cover and be reminded that instead of eating, you ought to be writing. Similarly, if your cover is propped up in front of your TV or taped to the back of your phone, when you’re tempted to watch a show, check messages for the thousandth time today, or search for another funny video, you’ll be reminded that you have a choice.

The key is to remain focused on writing. The reality is, if you don’t make it a very, very, very high priority, you’ll spend your time on other things and will never reach “The End.” You don’t want that, do you?

(C) 2018 Amanda Cabot

Amanda Cabot

Amanda Cabot is no stranger to getting to “The End.” She juggled a sixty-hour a week job with nonnegotiable deadlines and building a house long-distance at the same time that she wrote two books a year. Whether or not she kept her sanity during that time is debatable. Amanda is the best-selling author of over thirty novels, eight novellas, four non-fiction books, and what she describes as enough technical articles to cure insomnia in a medium-sized city.

Her most recent release is A Borrowed Dream, the second in the Cimarron Creek trilogy.

Amanda Cabot, Cimarron Creek, A Stolen Heart
A Borrowed Dream by Amanda Cabot Cimarron Creek Trilogy

You can find Amanda at:

APODS – Analysis: The Three Ps, Part Two by Amanda Cabot

Last month we began our discussion of the three Ps

  • Personality Type
  • Present Use of Time
  • Productive Times

and talked about personality types. This month we’re going to conclude the analysis phase of APODS by looking at time. You’re probably saying, “It’s about time – pun intended,” since one aspect of APODS is time management. But before you can manage time, you need to understand how you’re currently using time and when you’re most productive, which is what we’re going to do this month.

APODS, Amanda Cabot, 3 Ps
Collect Data Using a Calendar

While you may think you know the answer to both questions, I challenge you to spend a week collecting data that will either confirm or refute your opinions. All you need is a simple calendar. You’ll note that this one is divided into half-hour increments and that it covers only the normal working day. You may want to extend this so that it covers all waking time.

Here’s the process:

Set a timer and at the end of each half hour, make a note of what you did for the previous thirty minutes. If you’re tempted to skip this step and simply record your activities at the end of the day, I urge you not to yield to temptation. As someone who used to have to bill her time by half hours, I learned that it’s important – make that essential – to record your time at the end of each half hour. You may think you’ll remember everything you’ve done during the day, but – trust me – you won’t.

If you felt particularly productive during a half hour, highlight it.
At the end of the week, categorize how you spent your time. Suggested categories include but are not limited to writing, work (if you have an outside job), recreation/personal, family, friends, cooking/cleaning/other housework, TV, social media. This becomes key input to our next phase: priorities.

After you’ve characterized your time, note the times that you highlighted as being most productive. Is there a clear pattern?

Do you think you’ll be surprised? You won’t know until you’ve tried it.

And if you’re wondering why we’re doing this, it’s because our goal is to identify the best time to write and ultimately to find a way to write during that time. While it’s easy to say, “I’m a morning person” or “I’m a night person,” the answer is more complex. You need to consider the entire week, since some days may be better for you than others.

We’ve reached the end of the Analysis phase. If we’ve done this well, each of us has a better understanding of who we are, when we’re most likely to do our best writing, and what other activities are keeping us from doing that writing.

Next month we’ll start prioritizing.

(C) 2018 Amanda Cabot

Amanda Cabot

Amanda Cabot is no stranger to getting to “The End.” She juggled a sixty-hour a week job with nonnegotiable deadlines and building a house long-distance at the same time that she wrote two books a year. Whether or not she kept her sanity during that time is debatable. Amanda is the best-selling author of over thirty novels, eight novellas, four non-fiction books, and what she describes as enough technical articles to cure insomnia in a medium-sized city.

Her most recent release is A Borrowed Dream, the second in the Cimarron Creek trilogy.

Amanda Cabot, Cimarron Creek, A Stolen Heart
A Borrowed Dream by Amanda Cabot Cimarron Creek Trilogy

You can find Amanda at: